This is a picture of a piece I bought a few weeks back:
I went a bit above my budge to purchase it…it was so stinkin’ cute!
I saw potential in it for a complete transformation.
I think it was a good choice.
My initial for it was red. Well, I started the red and although I liked it, I wasn’t yet fully settled on red.
I asked you all your opinions…
some had some great ideas!
Yes the wood on the drawers was decent, but there were repairs to make on the sides where I had to fill places where the veneer had chipped away and glue some places where the existing veneer had lifted. I did make those repairs and I decided to strip off the existing white paint.
It was thick and chipped off in areas.
It was just a little gross looking.
So, I used Citristrip to do so.
I love watching it bubble up the old paint.
It takes it off pretty well, but don’t be misled.
Stripping off old paint is a chore.
Here it was while in process:
Yep, it got worse before it got better.
After several applications of Citristrip, the dresser was free of the old paint and ready for new paint.
I changed my vision up a bit and went from red…to grey!
Grey is such a sophisticated color and I thought that would be a perfect choice for this old beauty!
I chose to use Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint in Trophy.
I lightly distressed it when I was done painted and sealed it up with Miss Mustard Seed’s Hemp Oil.
That stuff is also pretty amazing.
My favorite part are the knobs…they are white milk glass knobs from D. Lawless Hardware.
They are darling!
I think she came out pretty daggone cute.
I adore her in all her sophistication.
She will be for sale this week once she is delivered to the shop in Strasburg.
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